Instructions for Authors
All submissions to Pentecostal Education should conform to the latest edition of The Chicago Manual of Style including its use of footnotes for all citations. For abbreviations of biblical and other ancient material, as well as the transliteration of all non-Roman scripts, see The SBL Handbook of Style. Manuscripts should be written in English with consistent spelling throughout and using 12 point Times New Roman, single-spaced lines. Submissions should not exceed 5,000 words in length, including footnotes, abstract, and bibliography (though longer submissions may be considered). All submissions should be emailed as Word (.doc) attachments to Please include a brief biographical sketch, a 100-300 word abstract, 3-4 keywords, and a bibliography.
Use two levels of headings. They should be flush left, and not numbered.
This is the First Level Heading
This is the Second Level Heading
Please insert page numbers in the upper right-hand corner.
Manuscripts that are submitted without sufficiently meeting the above criteria will be returned to the author without publication. All submissions must not be currently submitted to, or previously published by, any other journal. If accepted, the author agrees to transfer copyright to Pentecostal Education and the manuscript will not be published elsewhere in any form, in English or any other language, without the prior written consent of the publisher.